The future of lighting is heavily LED, with already over 50% of worldwide lighting now using LEDs to illuminate the environment. Still, this is only one of many lighting trends you will find appearing in the world in 2023 and onwards. So, what else are you likely to see moving forward?
With the following lighting ideas, you should be able to create a home lighting decor matching some of the most fashionable locations. So, take a look through and find some interior design tips to fit your life moving forward.
1. Backlit Features
Instead of interior lighting shining straight on areas of the environment, we are now seeing other options take root. For example, people are designing illuminated items that seem to shine from their reverse side.
Common locations for these lights include:
Here, you can help illuminate your face with a more diffused light, reducing shadows on your face. This can help eliminate the appearance of blemishes and also give you an excellent all-around glow for selfies.
By linking the lighting to your TV, you can create a dynamic light that changes color as the image on the screen changes. This can create a dramatic visual effect.
Picture frames
By putting lights behind picture frames, you can highlight them on the walls with light rather than shadow. Be aware, though, you will still need to light the front of the frames to see the actual images.
2. Light Zones
Gone are the days when people would put lights throughout a room to create an ambient glow in all areas. Instead, people are now creating “light zones” across large rooms.
By using spotlights, or by spreading out lights, you can separate one room into many different features. For example, you could have one spotlight over the dining room table and one over a reading nook in an open space.
This zoning creates dedicated spaces within the same environment. It can help isolate people within social spheres while maintaining a line of contact with them.
You can use other light zones to display aesthetic areas, such as bookshelves, wall decorations, or large rugs. In a party environment, these locations become centers for people to gather and can group people up by interest.
It also helps you save on electricity as you do not need to light the entire area, only separate sections. It is possible to also create different light switches for each light, thus you only need to turn on the spotlight for the location you wish to use.
3. Natural Light
Sometimes the best thing for a space is to provide some light from the outside. Of course, this does not work at night, nor does it allow you many customizations to the level of illumination. It can also be very expensive up-front, demanding you install many windows and blinds into your home.
Still, the white light from outside can be a real mood lifter. So, if you want to do this without outside illumination, try installing a diffused white light. You can even hide this in a recess to give you the feeling of outside light.
4. Pendant Lighting
These types of lights hang low from the ceiling, settling in the middle of a space. They allow you to focus the light on one area without highlighting all the surrounding room should you wish. They also create a strong visual style when the lights are on or off, as they are a striking addition, floating in the middle of a space.
These lights can light up the area around them in all directions, or create a spotlight underneath them. The spotlighting method is popular for dining tables, as they do not take up space where people would otherwise walk. They also work well over workspaces or coffee tables for similar reasons.
5. Smart Lighting
These days it is becoming popular to take any form of control out of your hands and allow the house to control all the lighting. By using smart lighting, you can create a schedule where lights will turn on and off on their own. You can also use trigger sounds or key phrases to activate or deactivate them instead of using light switches.
6. Sustainable Lighting
There are two distinct ways people are matching lighting to their efforts in sustainability.
First, they are buying lights that are less likely to break, usually LED lights. These use a fraction of the energy of other lights, creating a bright area without as much heat energy. By using these, people do not need to worry about their carbon footprint in their energy drawn from the power grid.
Another method of using sustainable lighting is looking at the types of materials you use in your shades. Many people are now using paper surrounds for lampshades instead of white-colored glass or other options. These paper shades are also useful as they diffuse a lot of light around them, creating better ambient light instead of deep shadows.
7. Unique Lights
Depending on the type of person you are, you might want to forgo using the same fashionable items as anyone else. This is a common thing to do when you have the money to take matters into your own hands.
Finding something special and unique might take a long time, and people may question your choice of decor. Still, you can base a whole room around one unique lighting fixture, allowing the space to be a whole talking point itself.
Unique lighting options help show off your personality more than anything else. After all, some of the most beautiful things in the world are a little bit ugly, and that ugliness makes them special.
More On Lighting Trends
With the above information on lighting, you should have a good idea of what options you have when decorating your home. Should you want to find lights to help you recreate one of these specific lighting trends, we’ve got your back.
We supply handmade furniture and lighting to people across the United States. We can get it to you fast, allowing you to update your home in the blink of an eye. So, check out our store and find something to bring light to your home today.